If it equals?

Klaus Major k_major at os.surf2000.de
Thu Aug 22 13:32:01 EDT 2002

Hi Josh,

you terminate the "repeat"-loop at the wrong place if your script is 
what you are using.

> Hello,
>     I can't quite get it to work. Here is the script that I have so far.
> local the_user
> local the_password
   ## declaring these vars as local is not really necessary
   ## a var is valid (and thus usable) in a complete handler.
   ## in this case from "on mouseup" until "end mouseup"
> on mouseup
>   set the itemdel to TAB
      ### i recommend this
      put URL "file:\\ZZYZX\INTERFACE\Names.txt" into the_file
>   ask "Who the hell are YOU ???"
>   if it is empty then exit mouseup
>   put it into the_user
>   repeat for each line l in the_file
>     if item 1 of l is the_user then
>       put item 2 of l into the_password
>       exit repeat
>     else
>       answer "heavy complaining..."
>       exit mouseup
>     end if
      end repeat ## !!! here is the right place to end that loop ;-)
>     ask "Please enter more money ehmm your password"
>     if it is the_password then
>       answer "do_the_right_thing"
>     else
>       answer "heavy complaining... again"
>     end if
> ### end repeat
    ## !!!
> end mouseup
> The text file reads this so far...
> Dr.Zzyzx TAB jOU~f1b.
> Kolok
> I can't get it to work. So any problems?
>  - Josh Dye

Hope this helps...


Klaus Major
k_major at os.surf2000.de

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