Popup menu buttons

Klaus Major klaus.major at metascape.org
Thu Aug 22 10:08:01 EDT 2002

Hi Devin,

> In HyperCard it is possible to create a Popup style button and to set 
> the width for the button name to show alongside the list that pops up. 
> When an item is selected from the popup list, it appears in the space 
> next to the button name.

Are you sure ?

I just found HC in my archives and could not find this feature...

> Can you do the same thing with one of Rev's menu style buttons? I have 
> looked at them all, but can't see one that lets you show the button's 
> name along with the selected line of the button, something like this:
>   Choose Color: > | Yellow
> Does Rev not allow this, or am I missing something?
> Devin

Anyway, it is not possible right out of the box.

You can do this with a field on one side of the button.

If you don't tell, noone will ever see the difference ;-)


Klaus Major
klaus.major at metascape.org

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