password protecting a stack

Mark Mitchell mark_mitchell at
Thu Apr 11 07:34:01 EDT 2002

>>chip writes:
> I understand what you're saying. The problem I'm having is that I can
>> > save a
>> > stack, set the password, but still anyone with RunRev can view the
>> > contents
>> > of the saved stack (and are only prompted for the password when they
> > try to
> > edit a script) -- as I'm saving the stack for ONLY the contents (as in a
> > datafile) it doesn't provide me much security.

You could put something like this in the stack script:

on openstack
hide me
end openStack

Of course, you can also hide fields in the stack, or set their loc beyond the card boundary etc.  Or, on openstack, you can
have the contents of the fields loaded into a variable(s) and then put "" into the fields, restoring the fields on closestack.
 When someone opens the stack, it looks like a bunch of blank fields.  There are many, many ways to hide contents.

good luck,
mark mitchell

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