Serial communication

John johng at
Fri Nov 30 23:37:01 EST 2001

On Sunday, August 26, 2001, at 01:00 AM, Troy Rollins wrote:

I noticed from the documentation that serial ports seem to be
supported for Windows and Mac applications but not Linux - is this
true?  Will they be supported under OS X?

I'm not positive, but it was my understanding that serial ports were not
supported by OS X at all - never mind any app running under it. Is this 
the case?

I know (or at least think I know) that driving serial ports is possible 
under OS X.  I also know of programs that drive serial ports in Linux.  
Apparently Revolution does not support this.  All current Macs also are 
devoid of serial ports out of the box and as a result, when added (using 
a USB to serial adapter), will not appear as the Modem port, since it is 
taken internally, and may not appear as the printer port.  Given all of 
this, it then appears that Revolution only truly supports serial ports 
under Windows.  Does anybody know of any work arounds for this?  I 
really like where Revolution is headed but also really need serial port 
support.  Does anyone know if the shortfalls mentioned are on the "to be 
fixed list".

John Miskimins

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