FTP File Access Trouble

Scott Rossi scott at tactilemedia.com
Wed Jun 11 09:23:01 EDT 2003

On 6/11/03 3:00 PM, "Dave Cragg" <dcragg at lacscentre.co.uk> wrote:

>> I'm trying to use MC to save a stack to a password protected directory on a
>> server.  I created a designated username/password for the directory and I am
>> using the past-offered convention for assembling the destination filepath:
>> put the fileName of the topStack into tSourceURL
>> put ("ftp://" & tName & ":" & tPass & \
>>    "@ftp.myserver.com/special/mystack.mc") into tDestURL
>> put url ("binfile:"&tSourceURL) into url tDestURL
>> The result is an error from the server reading "Error 550. Access denied by
>> ACL."  I assume this means the server is denying access to the
>> username/password I'm supplying in the above string.
> I think you would have gotten a different message if the username or
> password had failed. However, if either the username or password have
> "funny" characters in them (i.e. non-alphanumeric) you should
> urlEncode them before inserting them in the url.

I am urlEncoding the username as you suggest (the username contains an "@"
symbol).  I don't believe this is the problem because when I use the admin
login info (which also contains an "@" symbol), MC can access the directory.

> You might get more information if you use libUrlSetLogField to
> monitor the responses from the server.
> libUrlSetLogField the long id of field "mylog"

Thanks -- I'll try this.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at tactilemedia.com
W: http://www.tactilemedia.com

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