FTP File Access Trouble

Dave Cragg dcragg at lacscentre.co.uk
Wed Jun 11 09:09:02 EDT 2003

At 1:27 pm +0200 11/6/03, Scott Rossi wrote:
>I'm trying to use MC to save a stack to a password protected directory on a
>server.  I created a designated username/password for the directory and I am
>using the past-offered convention for assembling the destination filepath:
>put the fileName of the topStack into tSourceURL
>put ("ftp://" & tName & ":" & tPass & \
>    "@ftp.myserver.com/special/mystack.mc") into tDestURL
>put url ("binfile:"&tSourceURL) into url tDestURL
>The result is an error from the server reading "Error 550. Access denied by
>ACL."  I assume this means the server is denying access to the
>username/password I'm supplying in the above string.

I think you would have gotten a different message if the username or 
password had failed. However, if either the username or password have 
"funny" characters in them (i.e. non-alphanumeric) you should 
urlEncode them before inserting them in the url.

You might get more information if you use libUrlSetLogField to 
monitor the responses from the server.

libUrlSetLogField the long id of field "mylog"


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