Tutorial for Livecode Server log in system
Alex Tweedly
alex at tweedly.net
Tue Mar 26 13:36:15 EDT 2024
Hi Tim,
I guess my first response would be - don't.
Specifically, don't store or use passwords. Users have a bad habit of
re-using the same passwords, so even if your site has no personal or
valuable info about your users, the fact that passwords get re-used
means you are storing valuable info, and so you're taking on a moral
responsibility to keep it very safe.
If you do have passwords, then you need to have a recovery mechanism for
when users forget their pssword. 99% of the time, that involves emailing
them a recovery link, or temp password, or ... So in effect the password
has the same (or less) security than their email account - so you might
as well just use the email account.
Nowadays I always use this style of password-free accounts. I would have
sent a copy of the known, tested, etc. code - but it's all embedded in
lots of my libraries, etc. and was tricky to unravel. So I've sent a
very bare-bones version; tested but not all corner cases (e.g. I didn't
wait a week to ensure time-outs happened properly :-).
Overview: The user asks for a code to login with, that gets emailed to
them, and then they type that code in to the next screen. Once that's
successfully done, you set up a cookie in their browser, valid for some
reasonable length of time such as 7 days, and you're done. Any script
that wants to can take the getCurrentUser() code to check that they are
logged in properly.
Internally, it's done by creating a temporary code (6 digits, which is
recorded along with their email and expires within 15 minutes), and once
they have verified that code, you give them a new code which is a UUID
(so essentially un-guessable) which lasts for the 7 days.
Other than that, I hope it's reasonably straightforward .....
set the errormode to inline
function getCurrentUser
local tCookie, tCodes, tExpires
put $_COOKIE["myusercookie"] into tCookie
if tCookie is empty then
return empty
end if
-- codes are stored as code,email,expirydate (in seconds)
put URL ("file:codes.txt") into tCodes
filter tCodes with (tCookie & comma & "*")
put item 3 of line -1 of tCodes into tExpires
if seconds() > tExpires then
return empty
return item 2 of line -1 of tCodes
end if
end getCurrentUser
function shellEscape pText
-- keep this at the end because it messes up Coda colouring
repeat for each char tChar in "\`!$" & quote
replace tChar with "\" & tChar in pText
end repeat
return pText
end shellEscape
function wrapQ pText
return quote & pText & quote
end wrapQ
on askforemail
put "<p><form method='post' action='simplelogin.lc'>"
put " <label for='email'>My email is </label>"
put " <input type='email' name='email' value=''>"
put " <button type='submit' value='havecode'>Submit my email
put "</form>"
end askforemail
on askforcode
put "<p><form method='post' action='simplelogin.lc'>"
put " <label for='code'>My code is </label>"
put " <input name='code' value=''>"
put " <button type='submit' value='havecode'>Submit my code </button>"
put "</form>"
end askforcode
on askforlogout
put "<form method='post' action='simplelogin.lc'>"
put " <input type='hidden' name='logout' value='true'>"
put " <button type='submit' value='logout'>Log me out now</button>"
put "</form>"
end askforlogout
-- real code start here
put getCurrentUser() into tUser
if $_POST["logout"] AND tUser is not empty then
put $_COOKIE["myusercookie"] into tCode
put tCode & comma & tUser & comma & (the seconds-1) &CR after \
URL ("file:codes.txt")
put "Successfully logged out."
exit to top
end if
if tUser is not empty then -- ask them if they want to log out
put "Already logged in as " & tUser
exit to top
end if
put $_POST["code"] into tCode
if tCode is not empty then
-- we need to compare this code with what is pending
put URL ("file:codes.txt") into tPending
put ( tCode & comma & "*") into tFilter
filter tPending with tFilter
put line -1 of tPending into tPending
if the seconds <= item 3 of tPending then -- found a match pending
put item 2 of tPending into tEmail
put uuid("random") into tCode
put tCode & comma & tEmail & comma & (the seconds+60*60*24*7) &CR
after \
URL ("file:codes.txt")
put cookie "myusercookie" with tCode until (the seconds + 60 * 60
* 24 * 7)
put "Successfully logged in"
exit to top
end if
-- no match for the code
put "Code not matched. Please try again or give different email
put $_POST["email"] into tEmail
end if
if tEmail is not empty then
-- have email address - generate a code and ask user for it
put random(999999) into tSix
put format("%06d", tSix) into tSix
-- put this following line in for quick and easy testing !!
-- be sure to take it out later !!!
put "should email" && tSix && "to you.<p>"
-- build the message header, adding the from, to and subject details
-- we also put any cc addresses in here, but not bcc (bcc addresses
put "info at kilmelford.com" into pFrom -- CHANGE KILMELFORD.COM
put tEmail into pTo
put "From:" && pFrom & return & \
"To:" && tEmail & return & \
"Subject: Login code for kilmelford.com" & \
return into tMsg
put "Content-Type: text/plain;" & return & return after tMsg
put "Your code is" && tSix && "and it will expire in 15 minutes"
after tMsg
-- send the mail by piping the message we have just built to the
sendmail command
get shell("echo" && wrapQ(shellEscape(tMsg)) && "|
/usr/sbin/sendmail" && \
wrapQ(shellEscape(pTo)) && "-f" && wrapQ(shellEscape(pFrom)))
put the seconds into tEndTime
add 15 * 60 to tEndTime
put tSix & comma & tEmail & comma & tEndTime &CR after \
URL ("file:codes.txt")
exit to top
end if
-- end of simplelogin.lc
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