Socket Packaging

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Mon Jun 24 12:22:08 EDT 2024

Hi all. 

I came up with deceptively simple wrappers for packaging data for transmission over raw sockets. I can’t send the slyEncrypt and slyDecrypt handlers because I use methods no one else knows. But you can roll your own or else eliminate encryption altogether. 

And to answer the question befor it’s asked, I don’t use SSL because I don’t like having to deal with certificates, and also because I use a method for encryption that I don’t think anyone else has thought of, or at least I can’t find any info online. 

Bob S

command packagePayload @pPayload, pUseEncryption
   if pPayload is an array then \
         put arrayEncode(pPayload) into pPayload
   if pUseEncryption then \
         put slyEncrypt(pPayload) into pPayload
   put base64Encode(pPayload) into pPayload
end packagePayload

command unpackPayload @pPayload
   put base64Decode(pPayload) into pPayload
   if pPayload begins with "salted" then \
         put slyDecrypt(pPayload) into pPayload
      put arrayDecode(pPayload) into tResult
      put tResult into pPayload
   catch tError
      -- not an array
   end try
end unpackPayload

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