Snapshot question

Niggemann, Bernd Bernd.Niggemann at
Sat Jun 1 07:18:41 EDT 2024

Neville wrote
> Now while referenced images such as png’s can be 
> rotated (more precisely, have their angle set) they lose their scaling, 
> reverting to their native size; and rotated images cannot be scaled (why?? 

set the resizeQuality of the image to good or best depending on your image (images get a bit fuzzy when rotated)

you can resize a rotated image if you set the imageData of the rotated image to the imageData of the rotated image

      set the angle of image 1 to 15
      set the imageData of image 1 to the imageData of image 1

As soon as you set the imageData of the image it is not referenced anymore. But it can be resized.

I do not know your requirements exactly but if you want to set the angle repeatedly then it is best to store the original (non-rotated) text of the image and do your rotation every time from that starting point.

store original
set angle
restore to origina
set next angle

Examples of rotating and resizing of image can be found in this topic of the Forum (old stuff but still working)

Kind regards

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