Livecode Future - Tracking No-Hassle Solution

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Sun Jul 28 00:59:22 EDT 2024

I agreed with Simon on Tracking vs Privacy/Security:

 > If I had ever tried to supply any application that "phoned home"
 > I would have been asked to leave and never darken their door again.

And old-fashioned busywork/paperwork Hassle to request opt outs -

 > additional levels of complexity, friction and cost.

Solution ...

1. A truly modern and flexible automatic approach.

When NOT using LC's data hosting, the Standalone Builder notices.

No reason for high cost per user - thus, no reason for Tracking.

2. Or an easy LC data/Tracking opt out system via portal.

Need control per project, though - clients/apps vary!

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Radically Innovative Christian LiveCode Development
"PASSION for Elegant, Efficient Code!"

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