The story so far

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Fri Jul 26 11:41:07 EDT 2024

Concerning hosting, in my case when I initially developed the database for my application, it was hosted on the Livecode servers. When the owner of the company found out he had me take it down because he didn’t want company data on servers he did not own / control. That is probably going to be an issue that crops up with more developers using your hosting services.

Bob S

On Jul 26, 2024, at 3:45 AM, Kevin Miller via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:

The Internal apps model (for people building apps for use within their own organization) has gone over well in many cases. However I think there is perhaps a bit of a split between those who want to use the new Cloud hosting and data back end and those that don't want to use it, either because you have your own data back end or because you are creating smaller utilities that don't use data. Looking at the market as a whole and including new users, we've spoken to hundreds of people who do want to use the back end and the model and it is sitting pretty well for that group. For those of you that don't, my question is whether we have the volume discounting correct or whether we want to introduce a lower cost model at scale for that specific group.

I'm not talking about changing the per-seat-for-commercial-end-users model, we're confident that's the right way forward. Our entire IP is in each standalone, and we have to scale with the value we create to have a successful business. We've learned that in our 20 years of history and the feedback this week has been ok on this point overall. I'm also not talking about changing costs for smaller numbers of seats. The question is whether we as a business want to also serve a segment without the Cloud hosting, at a better volume discount for higher seat numbers.

This is a harder question than it looks, because so much of the benefit from the new platform comes from the new data back end. Giving new users a choice early in the process complicates their initial journey with us and potentially creates a confusing decision around one of the best new capabilities. It also has an impact on product engineering and the decisions we take there. On the other hand we want the platform to go on being practical for as many of you as possible. We appreciate your support over the years and this remains very important to us. There is a subset of you who are clearly not going to use the Cloud and for whom the new Internal model is presenting a challenge at scale. We will be reflecting on this question in the coming days.

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