Livecode Future
Mike Kerner
MikeKerner at
Thu Jul 25 12:15:50 EDT 2024
i'm coming to this conversation, late, because i'm spending very little
time coding, and most of my time managing.
if i understand the pricing correctly, LC wants to charge $440/year for
each mobile device that is running an app that we wrote (we don't have any
publicly available apps, so the 5%, aka the sales commission, wouldn't
so, for the app that we use on kiosks in our plant, and have messed around
with letting employees put on their own phones, we're talking about
somewhere around $7,000 (16 devices) for our internal app, and another
$20-25k for our customers' apps.
i hope that i'm wrong about that. if i'm not, lc just entered the realm of
uncompetitive for building and running these mobile apps.
On Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 11:30 AM Kevin Miller via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:
> If they are internal apps in your company then you understand it
> correctly. They are seats. So your cost for 3 (2 users plus yourself) would
> be $1320 annually. Alex is referring to apps for sale, not to internal
> users within your company.
> Kind regards,
> Kevin
> Kevin Miller ~ kevin at ~
> LiveCode: Build Amazing Things
> On 25/07/2024, 16:26, "use-livecode on behalf of Bob Sneidar via
> use-livecode" <use-livecode-bounces at <mailto:
> use-livecode-bounces at> on behalf of
> use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>>
> wrote:
> If that is true then I misunderstand the licensing model. My understanding
> is that every app I distribute for someone else to use is a “seat” as well
> as me the developer, another seat. I have 3 “seats” at present including
> myself, all are internal users to the company I work for, but the company
> does not pay me to do this development. I wrote the application to make
> generating forms easier for the IT technicians in the field.
> Are you saying I can purchase one developer seat for $499, build 2
> standalone apps and not have to pay for the other two seats, as long as I
> do not make any money from the app??
> Bob S
> > On Jul 24, 2024, at 7:44 PM, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>>
> wrote:
> >
> > It’s the one signposted as something like “growing the community”.
> >
> > I too dislike videos, so avoided watching this until Kevin said there
> was info about lifetime license holders in a video.
> >
> > btw, I am a hobbyist deriving no income from LC, and I think you’re
> incorrect about there being no place for us in LC’s future. We can build
> and distribute our non-íncome-producing apps by getting a single developer
> seat ($449 per year); not a trivial amount but not much for a hobby (less
> than membership at my local golf club or gym, even before I think about
> buying clubs or trainers or replacing all the lost golf balls). The
> expiration of the lifetime license will be compensated for by a discount at
> the first license renewal (in December 2025??), though we don’t yet know
> how that will be calculated.
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
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