Livecode Future

Kevin Miller kevin at
Wed Jul 24 09:13:27 EDT 2024

Thanks Keith. I’ll see if we can tweak the FAQ slightly. (Copying the list here as I accidentally replied to you off list.)


Kind regards,




Kevin Miller ~ kevin at ~

LiveCode: Build Amazing Things



From: Keith Martin <thatkeith at>
Date: Wednesday 24 July 2024 at 12:55
To: Kevin Miller <kevin at>
Subject: Re: Livecode Future


Amazing. Thank you for the clarifications, they are quite reassuring. I look forward to adding my 2 pence worth of input on the branded styling and positioning. :)


Perhaps the FAQ answer re free apps and resources could be clarified slightly? I was concerned that it might be related to what appears to be a phone home mechanism (which itself is a mild concern – I removed a simple update check process in my metadata-adding app because I got pushback about it – although I get the reasons).



Keith Martin
360 media specialist
Contact and info
+44 (0)7909541365



On 24 Jul 2024, at 10:08, Kevin Miller <kevin at> wrote:

Hi Keith,


Thanks for this.


We’re happy to receive input in the styling and positioning of the badge. It can be something small in the corner that doesn’t downgrade the look of your app. We will consult you on this as we get closer to the time. Lots of other platforms do tastefully attribute themselves in similar circumstances. I’m sure we can work together to get this right.


In terms of resources, we are talking about the use of our Cloud hosting for you app, Cloud server actions (obviously not any client side ones) and data use. It’s highly unlikely that the app you describe is going to make a meaningful impact on resource usage. If it does, we’ll be selling additional Cloud resources at cost or near to cost. Or you can just go on hosting the apps yourself in which case you won’t be using our resources at all.


Kind regards,




Kevin Miller ~ kevin at ~

LiveCode: Build Amazing Things



From: Keith Martin <thatkeith at>
Date: Wednesday 24 July 2024 at 09:55
To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at>
Cc: Kevin Miller <kevin at>
Subject: Re: Livecode Future


I'm interested in the direction things are going, but I am specifically concerned about the FAQ answer relating to free apps: 


"Free apps will display a LiveCode Create badge throughout the app, and will have “Made with LiveCode – Non Commercial Use Only” notices you are not permitted to disable."

I see how you're choosing to 'square the circle' here, but to me this feels like forcing my free apps (which is what I make, period) to declare themselves as second-class app citizens. And there's the question of how those badges will be shown; I can only imagine that's going to impact any carefully crafted UI.


The Fair Use Limits FAQ answer is also a tad alarming and raises rather more questions than it answers!


"Free apps will have a lower threshold of fair use limits for resource usage"

What resource use is this? My most popular utility inserts metadata into 360-degree images. It's free, a tool for the 360 photography community. It doesn't use any external resources, which is specifically how I designed it. Does this mean I can relax?

I don't begrudge LiveCode the company for coming up with new ways to make money; after all, ongoing development of LiveCode the software is vital. But my software output is 100% free and basically 'pro bono' and I pay for my LC license from my own pocket in order to keep doing this. I'm worried that the coming changes will, although not by conscious design, effectively make my apps look 'cheap as in cheesy,' and also squeeze me out of the dev community.



Keith Martin
360 media specialist
Contact and info



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