@Kevin - some questions about GDRP and what exactly happens with the Lifetime Commercial (all current and future platforms) licenses

matthias_livecode_150811 at m-r-d.de matthias_livecode_150811 at m-r-d.de
Wed Jul 24 06:55:05 EDT 2024

Dear Kevin,

I am asking this here, as I am sure there a many who are also having the same or similar questions.

As i correctly understand, then the product  "Livecode Internal Apps" tracks the number of users. What information is collected and where is it stored? Are those servers located in the US or EU? Does it comply with GDRP?

Does the new cloud solution in general comply with GDRP? 

What exactly happens to Livecode Server?

What exactly happens with the Commercial Lifetime licenses  from Kickstarter, which included current and all future platforms? Will they, even not maintained, at least still work after 2027? Or will they be disabled? 
Although I had such a license I also had a subscription for a Business license, although I really did not need that Business features. It was more a support to LC, because Lifetime licenses does not  bring any money. I even funded most of your "projects", starting with On-Rev Server and revMobile. I evend "funded" the ScriptCompiler, although I was sure, that I do not really need it. 

My personal situation is the following. 

I have one commercial app which is sold through Fastspring. I would not have a problem with paying for a developer license + the 5% fee for my sales, although I do not earn much money with it. 
I even would also not have a problem with it to purchase also a Internal Apps Developer license.

But over the years I've created many Internal Apps and LC server scripts. A large number of them is still maintained. 

Some of them run scheduled and unattended on a server. Some of them are used by about 10 or 12 users. Those are not big apps, just simple helper tools. One tool for example is run every time the user sends an email from the ERP. It uses pdftk server and Ghostscrip in the background  to manipulate PDF files before they are sent out by email to customers. 

According to the new pricing we would have to pay at least 4356 /year (1 dev + 10 users to use this tool. That is definitely a knockout criterion.

I would understand to pay this when using the new features of the new product, but not for maintaining/bugfixing and even for creating simple apps without the need of AI, Cloud and whatever extraordinary feature/functions the new product comes with...


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