Bug 23507 - LC Clipboard Polling Failure

Curry Kenworthy curry at pair.com
Wed Jan 17 10:09:58 EST 2024


 > I then changed to 'fullClipboardData' instead of 'ClipboardData'
 > and that worked for without a hitch for minutes.

Thanks, that may even have potential for a temp workaround!

It makes the Windows outcome more like Mac:
Glitches, but seems to reset a few seconds later, without LC restart.

So, "full" might be the ONLY reliable Clipboard access on Windows...

My test stack looks like a special case, but actually just simulates 
normal user copy and paste or poll over time.

(There is likewise an opposite LC bug, failing to COPY text from LC.
Haven't made a recipe/trigger stack for that one yet.)

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Radically Innovative Christian LiveCode Development
"PASSION for Elegant, Efficient Code!"

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