Deployment: a plea/opportunity

Klaus major-k klaus at
Fri Oct 13 13:52:56 EDT 2023

Bravo, Richard, you are so right, bravo!

> Am 13.10.2023 um 19:46 schrieb Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <use-livecode at>:
> We see it here in this list. We see it in the forums. We see it wherever app deployment is discussed:
> OS requirements for packaging/stapling/signing apps are onerous.
> At the edge of, and sometimes exceeding, being prohibitively so.
> There's no point in making a standalone if you can't ship it.
> If pro devs with decades of experience struggle with this, newcomers will run screaming.
> Pardon the all-caps. I rarely use them. But this is important.
> Simplifying deployment is more important than "AI".
> Simplifying deployment is more important than "nocode".
> It is the single biggest pain point.
> And so it is the single biggest opportunity.
> Fulfill the promise of "Everyone can code": focus on simplifying deployment.
> Step 1: Acquire Matthias' great tool.
> Step 2: Enhance it for current requirements across platforms.
> Step 3: Look for every opportunity to further simplify the process, and take it, at least one more simplification with each new build.
> This is important. It really is.
> --
> And no, web export will not magically save things.  Even when that becomes truly production-ready, it's only for web apps.  Not everything needs to be a web app.
> There are a hundred ways to make web apps.
> There are few ways to make cross-platform native apps.
> And almost none that rival what LC can do on the desktop.
> Play into strengths.  Make native deployment the best it can be.
> When that's done, only then resume work on more peripheral features.
> -- 
> Richard Gaskin
> Fourth World Systems

Klaus Major
klaus at

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