Latest video -- integration of AI into script editor

Mark Smith marksmithhfx at
Wed May 17 05:50:48 EDT 2023

Having just watched the latest campaign video (showing the integration of AI into Xavvi/LC — btw, I highly recommend giving this a watch) I have a question for LC. It’s likely that now (and perhaps for the foreseeable future) the AI will make coding and documentation errors in its recommendations. Has any thought been given as to how we capture these errors from the community (and fix them) so they can be fed back into the AI as training to improve the product? And, if such a mechanism will exist, might it also be applied to the current documentation (I’m thinking mostly of the dictionary) to improve that as well?


> On 17 May 2023, at 10:33 am, Mark Smith <marksmithhfx at> wrote:
> I just watched the latest LC video showing how AI will be integrated into Xavvi/LC. <> (note: the URL is not an error, that is where the new video is parked). 
> I hadn’t seen how this was going to be done before but  it’s a great UI with lot of useful options. This will completely transform how we write (and document) our code in the future. It looks like LC has give a lot of thought to this and the UI is extremely well done. If you haven’t backed the campaign so far I’d give this short 4 minute video a watch and be prepared to be blown away. 
> Thanks LC. 

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