charIndex property

Paul Dupuis paul at
Wed Jul 26 15:47:40 EDT 2023

On 7/26/2023 1:13 PM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:
> OIC what that does. I suggest having a hidden field, setting the text of that field to your variable, then operating on that field.
> Bob S

That is what I am currently doing. And I have a hidden field, hidden 
image, hidden player - all for purposes of various operations that you 
can do on real objects that the templateField, templateImage, and 
templatePlayer don't do (although there are some things done very nicely 
with the templates, such as set the rtfText of the templateField to 
<someRTF>; get the text of the templateField -- for conversion from RTF 
to text (or text to htmlText or htmlText to text or ...)

For reasons past that are not worth bring up in this email list, I have 
a slight aversion to hidden objects and prefer to work with the 
templateObjects or variables when i can.

So, that is the very specific question of this post: Does anyone have a 
clever trick to do the equivalent of charIndex on a variable of text?

I guess the allowed answers are "No" (no post is necessary), Yes (but I 
won't share it) (also no post necessary), Yes, and here it is (thank 
you), or perhaps a 4th, I don't understand the question, please clarify 
(which I would be happy to do if someone thinks they have a clever 
solution and just needs a bit more info)


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