Solved: Writing to Mac Application Support folder

Marty Knapp martyknappster at
Fri Aug 18 14:20:19 EDT 2023

As I’m now working to get an app ready for Sonoma, I’m wondering what the official resolution is to writing to both the “Preferences” folder and the “Application Support” folder. What I’m finding is that this question from Jacque is the last in this thread. Was there a response from Panos or Mark?

I will be dealing with existing customers upgrading to Sonoma as well as new customers and don’t want my inbox flooded with angry emails!


> On Jul 15, 2023, at 1:22 PM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> Good approach. I assume if there is no file in Preferences, you write defaults directly to the container.
> I got curious and looked at where LC stores its files. They do not have a container. It's mostly in Application Support, in a folder "RunRev" (there's also an older one there named "Runtime Revolution".) Some of the files were updated recently so it apparently still works. Now I wonder if there's another way to do this stuff.
> I'd like some definitive info about this. @Panos? @Mark?
> On 7/15/23 12:24 AM, scott--- via use-livecode wrote:
>> Thanks again, Jacque.
>> My solution for migrating preference files from the Preferences folder to the Container turned out to be quite simple but for some reason I spent a bunch of time pondering other more complicated methods. In the end I changed an existing function which returns a path to the preferences file and had it first look to see if a Container exists. If it doesn’t then it creates the Container but still returns the path to the original Preferences folder. (This works in my use case because the app's first call to this function will always be to “read” the preference file)  Now that the Container exists, all future calls to the function will return the Container path… and the original data, having been already loaded into the app, is ready to write to (and read from) the new Container location.
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |

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