tags in menus other than Pulldown (menubar) menus

Paul Dupuis paul at researchware.com
Sun Mar 27 10:18:07 EDT 2022

Here is another LC wish list for practical reasons:

I with that the menu item format for "regular" (pulldown/menubar) menus of:

[<flags>] <label> ['/' <accelerator> ['|' <tag>]] -- with the caveat 
that to have a <tag> with out an <accelerator>, you just use /|<tag> 
[NOTE: This syntax is listed in the Dictionary under the "Menu" (keyword)]

Would work with other menu types, like OPTION menus (as 1 example)

I have several option menus with some long text for each options, for 

All References to one media file
All References for each Case to a media file per Case
All References for each Source to a media file per Source
All References for each Code to a media file per Code
All References for each Code for each Source to a separate media file
All References for each Code for each Case to a separate media file
Each Reference to a individual media file

I would LOVE to be able to use <tags>s for internationalization (and 
simplicity), for example:

All References to one media file/|all
All References for each Case to a media file per Case/|case
All References for each Source to a media file per Source/|source
All References for each Code to a media file per Code/|code
All References for each Code for each Source to a separate media 
All References for each Code for each Case to a separate media 
Each Reference to a individual media file/|individual

This way my menuPick handler could look like:
on menuPick pChosenItem, pPreviousTab
   switch pChosenItem
     case "all"
       -- do stuff for the 1st option
     case "case"
       -- do stuff for the 2nd option
     case "source"
       -- do stuff for the 3rd option
     -- etc
   end switch

And if I need to change the text of the OPTION menu items, say to 
another language for internationalization, I do not have to change my on 
menuPick handler as well. Every button of type menu that is handled by a 
menuPick handler, should support <tags> for ease of internationalization.

Unfortunately, <tags> do not work in Option menus (I have not tested any 
other non-menubar menu types)
end menuPick

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