{OT} Are there any ffmpeg "experts" on this list?

Martin Koob mkoob at rogers.com
Mon Jul 4 12:06:54 EDT 2022

Hi Mark

Yes mergAV can be used concatenate videos, resize them, layer them and then export them to a video file.   I wrote an app that did this a while ago on LiveCode 6.7.3.   I haven’t tried using mergAV on LC 9.x.  

It would be nice if there was a set of common commands that could be used to do video editing on either Mac or Windows, just like player object does with video playback.
Probably not a high demand for that though to make it cost effective.


> On Jun 24, 2022, at 12:23 PM, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> FWIW, I *think* mergAV can do similar things on macOS* to the mediafoundation external on Windows - although the APIs, while similar, do require different code.

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