pssst tmControl2 is now OSS

Mike Kerner MikeKerner at
Wed Jan 26 19:51:07 EST 2022

At long last, Scott Rossi has released the amazing tmControl2 under the BSD
license, including a number of themes that I, at least, had not seen,
Now, thanks to Scott's generosity, everyone in liveCode land can use tmc2
to build more beautiful interfaces and controls.
* I have a repo with a number of updates/bug fixes up at
* The original is available at
* If anyone else falls in love with, or is already in love with tmc2, I
would love to talk to you about what we can do to make it better - tmc3.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."

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