Script Compiler - One More Question

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Thu Feb 10 11:31:55 EST 2022

Script Compiler - One More Question:

After the survey there was an email "Your Questions Answered."
I put a concern in the survey, just without a question mark!

(And I don't recall any survey directions specifying
that concerns/comments should be worded as questions.)

It's easy to add a question mark:

Deja vu of LC 7. Big new changes + new engineers = LOTS OF BUGS! After 
all these years, we are just recently starting to turn the tide on LC 
6-9 bugs. How do you plan to avoid a repeat of the LC 7 bug onslaught?*

Knowing that would help me decide my level of interest/support.
Good project if such problems can be avoided; and vice versa.

* The proposed changes also deeply involve the non-compiled engine;
to clarify, I'm primarily concerned about the non-compiled product.
(All the more so, since it's impacted whether we use compiler or not!)


Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
Innovative Christian LiveCode Training and Consulting

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