CSV to TSV (was Re: Tools & techniques for one-off consolidation of multiple 'similar' CSV files?)

Keith Clarke keith.clarke at me.com
Tue Apr 5 12:02:30 EDT 2022

Hi folks, 
Thanks all for the responses and ideas on consolidating multiple CSV files into - much appreciated.

Ben - Thank you for sharing your working recipe. This lifted my spirits as it showed I was on the right path (very nearly!) and you moved me on a big step from where I was stuck. 

My script was successfully iterating through folders and files, with filtering to get a file list of just CSVs with their paths for onward processing. I’d also identified the need to maintain registers of (growing) column names, together with  a master row template and a mapping of the current file’s column headers in row-1 to the master to put align output columns. I got stuck when I set up nested repeat loops for files, then lines, then items and was trying to deal with row 1 column headers and data rows at the same time, which got rather confusing. Separating the column name processing from parsing row data made life a lot simpler and I’ve now got LC parsing the ~200 CSV files into a ~60,000 row TSV file that opens in Excel. 

However… I’m getting cells dropped into the wrong columns in the output file. So, I’m wondering if delimiters are broken in my CSV-to-TSV pre-processing. Can anyone spot any obvious errors or omissions in the following...
-- convert from CSV to TSV

replace tab with space in tFileData -- clear any tabs in the content before setting as a delimiter

replace quote & comma & quote with tab in tFileData -- change delimiter for quoted values

replace comma with tab in tFileData -- change delimiter for unquoted values

replace quote with "" in tFileData -- clear quotes in first & last items

set the itemDelimiter to tab


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