IDE line number doesn't update

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Wed Sep 22 14:13:01 EDT 2021


 > I think Curry was aiming that at me to read his previous loooong
 > email and see all that stuff about his well being

Line Counts in my first email below
- Re Tiemo's line # issue: 3
- Re Sean's Bug comment: 5
- Re Separate LC 9 SE Bugs: 9
- Re Me sick: 2

Wasted if you don't read things, but Me once again:

 > Is there a separate Bug reported on this?
 > It is not the same as performance issues.

I asked you first.

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting



  > beside the horrible IDE performance in general
  > the line number doesn't gets updated when scrolling the code
  > Has anybody perhaps found any tweak to get the line # working again?

Only the same tactic you mentioned:

  > You have to click the mouse into the code, to get the line # updated

So the user discipline: Look at code, scroll, click, look at line#.
This feature keeps us on our toes. :)


  > This is an issue dating all the way back to LC9.0.0.
  > It has been raised several times
  > I've ended up at Bug 23117
  > <>

Is there a separate Bug reported on this?
It is not the same as performance issues.

(The SE has performance issues, and even
line # performance limits I would think,
but not updating is a separate bug.)

I am still a bit sick with the tail end of COVID,
so not up to searching or reporting bugs this week.

Separate LC 9 SE Bugs we have, or had:

- Performance and practical script size limit.
- This one, line # updating.
- Messed up handler indentation.
- Disassociation of SE from script's object.
- SE window disappears if too many tabs.
- Excessive disk use (for HDD/antivirus)
- SE confusion about last insertion point/scroll.
- Weird text hilites in SE.

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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