How to suppress the Modal Purge dialog? -- Name space conflict

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Mon Sep 20 06:25:39 EDT 2021


 > there are number of stacks that have the same stack name

1. Use "delete stack" to remove one from memory
before loading another. Do it carefully;
this is a powerful command! See the dictionary.

 > I am not just talking about my own stacks,
 > but also stacks from third parties, and opens sources

2. The first step after creating a new stack
(before adding controls) is: give it an unusual name.
This is done BEFORE the stack is ever saved.
Otherwise we see "Untitled" stacks floating around.

I'm sure Roland knows this; I'm speaking to the Community.
We also have a "so many roads" ♫ meme and fan club,
and just as with real highways, yes there are infinitely
many paths. But very few efficient ones to a destination! :)

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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