LiveCode 10 - what are your thoughts on the new features?

Mark Wieder ahsoftware at
Wed Sep 8 19:37:05 EDT 2021

On 9/8/21 3:03 PM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

> This actually touches on the arbitrary nature of language. A word only means something because all the parties who want to use that word, agree (whether or not they think they do) that this word will mean this thing. If over time, a culture begins to use the word in a different way or differently in other contexts, it's not because of anything intrinsic to the word, but simply because the parties or societies decided (whether or not they think they have) to "renegotiate".


There is, I think, a spectrum somewhat as follows:

a couple
very few
a few
very many (a great many)
a lot
too many
all the

and the boundaries within the spectrum are squishy

  Mark Wieder
  ahsoftware at

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