The iOS "Files" folder

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Mon Oct 12 10:48:11 EDT 2020

It is my understanding that each app has it’s own storage are and that this is sandboxed from other apps. That being said, there is obviously a way for an app to request permission from the iOS to access another app’s storage. I’m not sure if Livecode has that mechanism though. it’s probably some kind of Xcode library.

Bob S

On Oct 10, 2020, at 8:42 AM, Graham Samuel via use-livecode <use-livecode at<mailto:use-livecode at>> wrote:

Is it possible to access (write to) the iOS “Files” folder from an iOS app? I see that there is no specialFolderPath entry for it, but it appears that some apps do allow saving to the folder, and one is then allowed to open such files with an appropriate app. Basically I am thinking of giving the user a chance to save a text file there for processing by other apps. The alternative would involve the internet with all the tedious privacy rules etc. and my particular app doesn’t have any other use for the internet at all.

Anyone tried it?


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