Audio recording in LC community on Windows?

Tore Nilsen tore.nilsen at
Mon Nov 2 13:00:23 EST 2020

Feature parity between Mac and Windows is a necessity for me as well. I teach at an upper secondary school (high school) in Norway, and we are obliged to use software that supports both platforms, as students bring their own computers and should not be required to install two OS-es to do their work. I think a request for feature parity would be in its place.

Best regards 
Tore Nilsen

> 2. nov. 2020 kl. 16:30 skrev Devin Asay via use-livecode <use-livecode at>:
> HI all,
> From the beginning of Rev/LC we could do basic audio recording cross platform, at least on Mac and Windows, using the QuickTime framework. QT went away a few years ago, and it took some time for that capability to be restored. On Mac we can do it in all LC editions, including Community, using mergMicrophone. However the mergMicrophone external is not available on Windows. Now you can do audio recording on Windows using camera controls, *but only in Indy and above*. In other words, unless I have missed something, Windows Community users have lost this functionality. There is no longer feature parity between Mac and Windows on Community. That’s a problem for me in teaching LiveCode in my college level courses. (Linux users, I’m not trying to ignore you here; I just don’t have a firm grasp on what’s possible on Linux.)
> So my questions:
> - Is there a way to do audio recording in LC Community on Windows that I’m not aware of?
> - If not, should I approach the mother ship and request that we get feature parity on all the desktop platforms?
> Thanks all. I look forward to hearing your ideas.
> Devin
> Devin Asay
> Director
> Office of Digital Humanities
> Brigham Young University
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