Mouse messages in scrollers

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue May 19 18:00:38 EDT 2020

Would the problem be due to the settings for canCancelTouches and delayTouches? What are the 
defaults? And what behaviors do they control exactly? I can't quite figure out what the 
dictionary is saying.

On 5/19/20 4:21 PM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:
> I have a tall field inside a shorter group that uses a mobile scroller. A behavior assigned to 
> the group handles the scrolling and checks for swipes by capturing mouseDown and mouseUp to 
> determine touch locations so it can calculate the direction of the swipe. This works on Android.
> On iOS I do not get mouseUp or mouseDown messages when swiping horizontally, though I do get 
> scrolerDidScroll when swiping vertically. But since the group is exactly as wide as the field 
> it encloses, it does not scroll horizontally and so no scrollerDidScroll message is sent. I 
> also do not get scrollerBegin/EndDrag, touchStart or touchEnd, or any other message I can think 
> of to track a horizontal swipe. I do get mouseUp/Down when tapping on the scroller but that 
> doesn't help here.
> How would I detect a horizontal swipe on a non-moving scroller? The user can't navigate without 
> it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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