on-rev server upgrade-related problems

Phil Davis phil at pdslabs.net
Fri May 8 15:33:21 EDT 2020

Thanks so much for your interest in this bug, Matthias! I'm just getting 
back into it now, catching up on bug comments posted since yesterday.


On 5/8/20 5:28 AM, matthias rebbe via use-livecode wrote:
> Phil,
> i´ve answered already to the bug report, but maybe this is also of interest for the others.
> As i have also accoun ton the same On-Revi  as you and did some test.
> I am sure it´s a tsNet timeout problem.
> tsNET has several default timeouts. The defaults are 30, 0, 300000, 60000, 30, 1000
>   The fifth one defines "the time period in seconds that is used to calculate whether or not the transfer has fallen below the low speed limit set by pLowSpeedLimit."
> It can be set either to 0 to disable the time out or to any other value.
> In my first test my LC Server script returned just a 5MB file back to the client. That worked.
> I then added a "wait 45 seconds"  to the script before outputting/returning 5MB file to the client. I got exactly the same error message than youor your  clients,
> "tsneterr: (28) Operation too slow. Less than 1000 bytes/sec transferred the last 30 seconds"
> This makes sense as because of the "wait 45 seconds" we exceeded the default time-out value of 30.
> I then added the following line to the client script.
> tsNetSetTimeouts 30, 0, 300000, 60000, 120, 1000
> With it i´ve changed the timeout to 120 seconds.
> After adding that line, the 5 MB file was received again by the client w/o the tsNet error.
> So setting the timeout either to a higher value or to 0 in the client script should solve it. I am not sure, but i assume setting it to 0 is not recommended.
> Hope this helps.
> Matthias
> -
> Matthias Rebbe
> Life Is Too Short For Boring Code
>> Am 07.05.2020 um 20:35 schrieb Phil Davis via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>:
>> Thank you all for so many great questions and responses! I don't have time to give a comprehensive response right now but (1) I'll whittle away at it and (2) all your comments renew my hope that a solution is out there waiting for me to find it.
>> Quick responses:
>> - I too would start by going back to LC 6.6.x on the server if I could, but apparently the recent server upgrades - new hardware running LC 9.5.1 - are not backward compatible. That's what I'm told at least.
>> - The LC client app is POSTing a request to an LC CGI system on an on-rev server. The server system assembles a data packet (normally an encoded array), encrypts & encodes it and writes it back to the client. The packet can be any size up to maybe a megabyte or two, but that would be pretty big. Normally the packet size is no more than a few hundred KB.
>> Thanks again -
>> Phil
>> On 5/7/20 7:29 AM, Ralph DiMola via use-livecode wrote:
>>> Phil,
>>> I had a problem with a GET request with a url encoded url in a parameter
>>> after the upgrade. There are new security rules. I changed it to a POST and
>>> it then worked. I am changing my apps to use a POST. Robin had lifted the
>>> new security rule for me temporarily until all the apps are updated. One
>>> other thing, the new MySQL server is now Maria DB. It is functionally the
>>> same but I noticed if you have a column with no default value but is
>>> required and the field is not in the SQL update then it throws an error.
>>> MySQL did not do this.
>>> Ralph DiMola
>>> IT Director
>>> Evergreen Information Services
>>> rdimola at evergreeninfo.net
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-bounces at lists.runrev.com] On Behalf
>>> Of Phil Davis via use-livecode
>>> Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2020 3:18 AM
>>> To: How to use LiveCode
>>> Cc: Phil Davis
>>> Subject: on-rev server upgrade-related problems
>>> Has anyone had part or all of an on-rev server-based system stop working
>>> since the server upgrades a month or so ago?
>>> My client has an on-rev.com-based training system. Training delivery is via
>>> web browser, and that part continues to work. But there are several desktop
>>> apps that provide training development, management and real-time monitoring.
>>> All of those apps became non-functional as soon as the upgrades were done,
>>> and remain so. I haven't been able to figure out how to restore
>>> functionality.
>>> Robin in on-rev support has been very helpful, but we still don't have a
>>> solution. This is the bug report:
>>>      https://quality.livecode.com/show_bug.cgi?id=22704
>>> I wouldn't wish this on anyone, but in a way I'm hoping it isn't just us.
>>> Thanks -
>>> Phil Davis
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>> -- 
>> Phil Davis
>> 503-307-4363
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Phil Davis

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