DataGrid question...

Niggemann, Bernd Bernd.Niggemann at
Mon Mar 30 17:43:39 EDT 2020

>Peter Bogdanoff wrote:

>Does anyone have a link to obtain Bernd's modTableField ?

Here is a link to the latest version of modifiedTableField<>

there is a zip of a demo stack with a helper stack and a .rtf document with the API

Use the demo stack to explore modTableField. Have a little patience to explore. It shows many options. Please have a look at the API document to get a feeling how to address and query modTableField.

If you want to use modTableField in a project copy the group "modTableField 1" from the demo stack to your stack and use the API to work with it.

This version is HTML5 safe. There was a superfluous wait in former versions. Hermann used tinyDict with his HTML5 demo of an IDE.

tinyDictionary uses modTableField

There are a couple of users that seem quite content with modTableField (thanks Jerry for mentioning it)

I would be happy to know if anybody uses modTableField in a project. (aside from the people that mailed me before).

If you have questions please feel free to email me.

Kind regards

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