DataGrid question...

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Sun Mar 29 16:50:08 EDT 2020

 > The only issue with using a field is you are limited to character
 > data presentation only. You can’t put inline images, widgets,
 > checkboxes, etc.

 > Now that's just patently not true. No problem with images:
 > Set the imagesource of char x of field y of this card to tImageID

Thanks Mark for catching and correcting that. Way too much inaccurate 
info and "fake news" about LiveCode gets propagated, and often picked up 
and parroted even further by others. LC field is extremely versatile!

DataGrids are used far more often than they are needed.

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

WordLib: Take charge of MS Word and OpenOffice documents
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