Ordering text

Terence Heaford theaford at btinternet.com
Sun Mar 29 07:06:14 EDT 2020

I have approx. 7000 lines of tab delimited data.

When I execute the code snippet below if the sort order is descending it takes approx 120 milliseconds otherwise it takes 20 milliseconds to process.

Can someone explain why and perhaps come up with a faster solution.



repeat for each line tRec in tData

add item 6 of tRec to tBalance

put tBalance into item 7 of tRec

switch tOrder

case "desc"

put tRec & CR before tCellData



put tRec & CR after tCellData

end switch

end repeat

switch tOrder

case "desc"

delete char 1 of tCellData



delete last char of tCellData

end switch


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