OAuth2 was Re: google sheets - anybody doing anything besides mergGoogle

Pi Digital sean at pidigital.co.uk
Wed Mar 11 18:06:17 EDT 2020

I had a major issue with oAuth when google first switched off the old credentials format which caused me to have a major breakdown and lost all of my clients as a result.  Merg had not been updated to reflect and prepare the the change so caused it to catastrophically breakdown on the very day (by coincidence) that it was needed for a live broadcast recording. Monte was able to fix it but too late for my clients or my mental well-being. 

Since that I have avoided using any third party resource that is code-locked or not open source. I can’t risk other people not updating LC. I’m just as worried about using LC as it is falling behind on so many OS requirements and issues and fixes are just not pulling through quick enough for practical customer reliability. 

There is near silence from LC in the last number of months. Worrying indeed. I’m guessing uptake for LC4FM is as low as I had predicted it would be, especially based on the forum discussions. Considering the number of issues I would predict new users to have there are practically no comments made at all. Or maybe they have been able to get into it with no issues at all because it is so perfectly coded ;). 

9.6 DP2 was announced on 18Dec2019. Script editor breakpoints and linenumbers are still screwed up and no one appears to be working on it. Promising! Still no RC or GM in sight. No word from LC what they are doing. Dead in the water? 

Sean Cole

> On 11 Mar 2020, at 20:45, Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> I will try to get back to this. In the meantime, have you - or anyone - found issues recently with OAuth2, in particular against any of the Google APIs?

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