Functions running in IDE, but not running in standalone
matthias_livecode_150811 at
matthias_livecode_150811 at
Mon Jul 20 17:29:02 EDT 2020
i might be wrong, but did you also include SSL&Encryption in StandaloneSettings.
If i recall it correctly then SSL&Encryption is needed for https.
Matthias Rebbe
Life Is Too Short For Boring Code
> Am 20.07.2020 um 22:28 schrieb Bruce Pokras via use-livecode <use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>>:
> Matthias and Curry,
> Thanks for your responses. I am using Indy for which I apparently do not have access to RemoteDebugger.
> I did activate the “Bug Reports” feature and added “tsNet” to the included stuff for the standalone.
> From the bug reporter feature, it seems that “libURL" commands/functions are somehow creating a problem. (And, yes, I am including the Internet library in my standalone!).
> Here are a couple of examples of the bug reports that were generated:
> ======
> Error from running Patent Grabber’s “Abstract Report":
> Executing at 3:45:49 PM on Monday, July 20, 2020
> Type: Handler: can't find handler
> Object: stack "/Users/BruceiMac/Documents/Revolution/Projects 461/Patent Grabber 6.4.4-0310/MacOSX/Patent Grabber Grabber 6.4.4-03"
> Line Num: 81
> Hint: libURLSetSSLVerification
> My comments: Line 81 is where I set libURLSetSSLVerification to false. What does it mean “can’t find handler"???? Why not? It’s part of the included Internet library!
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