directory tree -> array

Alex Tweedly alex at
Tue Feb 4 11:58:57 EST 2020

Hi Bob.

I have a couple of other suggestions (driven by my paranoia :-)

1. There is a problem with passing empty for 'whatfolder'

Currently, if you pass in an empty folder, it  returns very misleading 
results - the files in the current directory when the function is 
called, plus the folders at the top level, with their files and subfolders.

Depending on how you want to interpret that case, you could EITHER

a. add a line something like

if whatFolder is empty then put "." into whatFolder

to the start of 'directorylisting'


b. change

set the directory to whatfolder


set the directory to (whatfolder&"/")

before getting the files listing.

2. in directoryListingToArray

       replace tRoot with empty in tPath

Hmmm - that's not safe - the string tRoot *could* occur multiple times 
within the filename.

Since all lines should (must) begin with tRoot, you could simply delete 
the first N characters of each line.


On 03/02/2020 17:19, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:
> I already wrote some functions to do this but sent them to Richard in a demo stack. Here is the code based on directoryListing, which I believe is in the MasterLibrary. I made a minor adjustment to it if I recall. DirectoryListing was returning duplicate paths for each unique folder for some reason. I modified it to only return one unique path for a given folder.
> Setting the arrayData of a tree widget to the returned value of directoryListingToArray() function will yield the results you want.
> function directoryListing whatFolder, c
>     /*
>     Example:
>     put 1 into cNum
>     if target = empty then
>        answer folder "Pick a folder you want to walk:"
>        put it into whatFolder
>        set cursor to watch
>        put directoryListing(whatFolder,cNum) into target
>        exit to top
>     end if
>     if the controlKey is down and the optionKey is down then
>        put empty into target
>        exit to top
>     end if
>     if the controlKey is down and the commandKey is down then
>        put word 2 of the clickline into tLine
>        put line tLine of target into tLaunch
>        launch document tLaunch
>        exit to top
>     end if
>     if the controlKey is down then
>        put word 2 of the clickline into tLine
>        put line tLine of target into whatFolder
>        set itemDel to "/"
>        delete last item of whatFolder
>        set cursor to watch
>        put directoryListing(whatFolder,cNum) into target
>        exit to top
>     end if
>     if the optionKey is down then
>        set itemDel to "/"
>        sort lines of target descending by last item of each
>        exit to top
>     end if
>     if the commandKey is down then
>        set itemDel to "/"
>        sort lines of target ascending by last item of each
>        exit to top
>     end if
>     put word 2 of the clickline into tLine
>     put line tLine of target into whatFolder
>     set cursor to watch
>     put directoryListing(whatFolder,cNum) into target
>     global firstPass
>     if firstPass is empty then
>        put whatFolder & cr into R
>        put false into firstPass
>     end if
>     */
>     set the directory to whatFolder
>     if c = 0 or the result is not empty then
>        -- delete variable firstPass
>        return R
>     end if
>     put the files into tFileList
>     sort tFileList
>     replace cr with cr & whatFolder & "/" in tFileList
>     put whatFolder & "/" & tFileList & cr after R
>     put line 2 to -1 of the folders into tDirList
>     sort tDirList
>     repeat for each line L in tDirList
>        put directoryListing((whatFolder & "/" & L),(c-1)) after R
>     end repeat
>     -- delete variable firstPass
>     return R
> end directoryListing
> function directoryListingToArray pDirectoryList
>     put line 1 of pDirectoryList into tRoot
>     delete line 1 of pDirectoryList
>     set the itemDelimiter to "/"
>     put empty into aArrayData [tRoot]
>     repeat for each line tPath in pDirectoryList
>        replace tRoot with empty in tPath
>        put "["  & quote before tPath
>        put quote & "]" after tPath
>        replace "/" with quote & "]" & space & "[" & quote in tPath
>        put "[" & quote & tRoot & quote & "] " before tPath
>        put "put empty into aArrayData " & tPath into tCommand
>        do tCommand
>     end repeat
>     return aArrayData
> end directoryListingToArray
> Bob S
>> On Feb 1, 2020, at 13:16 , Dick Kriesel via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
>>> On Jan 22, 2020, at 10:17 AM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
>>> I stumbled across a code challenge for y'all, one that seems seductively simple but I don't think it is:
>>> What is the simplest way to build an array that reflects the files and folders within a given folder?
>>> There's a discussion about this here:
>>> On Jan 22, 2020, at 10:26 AM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
>>> We have many handlers that deliver directory trees as lists, but arrays are a different beast.  Because the depth is both unknowable and varied, I can't think of a way to do this without resorting to "do".
>> Since that thread vanished last week, and hasn’t returned, I'm offering help here instead.
>> The list of full paths contains enough information to build an array representation of the directory tree.
>> <code>
>> /**
>> Summary: Given a list of full paths, and given the partial path they share, build an array representing the directory structure
>> pPaths: a return-delimited list of full paths
>> pPath: the path that was used to generate the list of full paths
>> Returns (array): A array with a branch node for each folder and a leaf node for each file
>> Description: Eliminate pPath from every line of pPaths. Then insert each line into an array.
>> email subject "directory tree -> array"
>> forum topic "f=7&t=33565"
>> */
>> function arrayFromPaths pPaths, pPath -- a list of full paths, and the path that was used to generate the list
>> local tPaths, tFile, tArray
>> set the itemDelimiter to "/"
>> put char 2 to -1 of replaceText( cr & pPaths, cr & pPath & slash, cr ) into tPaths -- eliminate pPath from every full path
>> repeat for each line tPath in tPaths -- insert each file name into the array
>> put the last item of tPath into tFile
>> delete the last item of tPath
>> if tPath is empty then -- the file is in folder pPath
>> put "true" into tArray[ tFile ]
>> else -- the file is in a folder in folder pPath
>> split tPath by slash
>> put "true" into tArray[ tPath ][ tFile ]
>> end if
>> end repeat
>> return tArray
>> end arrayFromPaths
>> on mouseUp
>> local tPaths = "a/b/c,a/b/d/e,a/b/d/f" -- folder a/b contains file c and folder d, which contains files e and f
>> local tPath = "a/b" -- the shared partial path
>> replace comma with cr in tPaths
>> get arrayFromPaths( tPaths, tPath )
>> breakpoint
>> end mouseUp
>> </code>
>> If the topic reappears soon, I’ll repost there because reading code is easier there.
>> By, the way, thanks to RG for the bug report on my earlier posting in the now-vanished thread.
>> — Dick
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