Decrypt problem on Windows

Neville Smythe neville.smythe at
Sun Dec 13 04:46:16 EST 2020

I am getting a difference in the results from decryption of a variable (stored in a stack custom property) between Mac and Windows 10.

The script is

decrypt <myEncryptedStr> using "aes-256-cbc" with password <mypassword> 

On the Mac this decrypts < myEncryptedStr > to its original value

On Windows it gives an empty value, with the result returning “SSL error: Bad encrypt”

Could this be a difference in versions between the OpenSSL library built in to  OSX 10.15.7 and the LiveCode SSL  inclusion for Windows? Or  would a different cipher work on both platforms, or perhaps provision of the bit value make it work? Or - surely not - do I have to use different encrypted custom properties for each platform? 

[I had just recovered strength  from fighting the gratuitously different syntax that Windows uses in its implementation of cURL to hit this problem] 

Neville Smythe

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