Some sad news

Heather Laine heather at
Fri Dec 4 07:07:39 EST 2020

Dear List Folks,

I have today received some sad news. I am told that Hermann Hoch passed away in April this year, from a stroke. I know many of you knew him either remotely or having met him in person at a conference. He will be missed. I met him myself and found him to be a wonderfully warm and kind person. He could be volatile, but I always felt it was because he cared passionately about things.

I will take what steps I can to preserve his legacy of HTML5 examples. As these are hosted on an on-rev account we should be able to maintain it in perpetuity for the benefit of the LiveCode Community. 

LiveCode HTML5 didn't always meet his expectations or progress as fast as he wanted it to and I do wish he could have seen our next planned release, where HTML5 support will be a focus. He was of great benefit to this community and shared his expertise freely. 

I'm not sure what else I can say. Rest in peace hh, you will be missed :(


Heather Laine
Customer Services Manager
LiveCode Ltd

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