Learned my lesson

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Fri Apr 17 21:41:29 EDT 2020

I just spent 2 hours purging the detestable “this stack” from my entire list of projects. If you use substacks, if you hide and show stacks, this stack simply unreliable. Instead put this at the head of every script that needs to know what the parent stack is:

put getParentStack(the long id of me) into tParentStack

and have this in a library or active script somewhere:

function getParentCard pObjectID
   put offset("card id", pObjectID) into tStartChar
   put char tStartChar to -1 of pObjectID into tCardID
   return tCardID
end getParentCard

function getParentStack pObjectID
   put offset("stack ", pObjectID) into tStartChar
   put char tStartChar to -1 of pObjectID into tParentStack
   return tParentStack
end getParentStack

Now you will know ABSOLUTELY which stack you are in from any object on any card. And no, I’m not senile (much yet) I know I already posted this some time ago. 

Bob S

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