AW: Signing, Notarizing, and Stapling and macOS versions

Paul Dupuis paul at
Wed Oct 23 16:29:15 EDT 2019

On 10/23/2019 8:49 AM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode wrote:
> LiveCode 9xx is supported on macOS Maveriks (10.9) and up
> Catalina (10.15) requires Notarized DMG or App to be allowed to open/run
> I have discovered that a Notarized and Stapled DMG works on Catalina 
> and Mojave (10.14), but presents an error when trying to open on El 
> Capitan (10.11).
> Does anyone have a definitive list of macOS versions from 10.9 and up 
> by signed - notarized - stapled and what works so I don't have to 
> develop one myself? I can not find thi at Apple. 10.12 is min OS to 
> "staple" on and 10.13 the min to notarize, but that is form a building 
> it, rather than using it.
> So far I have: [Signed is "code signed only")
> OS    Signed    Notarized    Stapled
> 10.9    Works    Untested    Fails
> 10.10
> 10.11
> 10.12
> 10.13
> 10.14 Works    Works    Works
> 10.15 Fails    Works    Works
> All blanks are untested.

Here are the results for anyone interested:

macOS name        signed notarized stapled
10.9  Mavricks    OK     FAIL      FAIL
10.10 Yosemite    OK     FAIL      FAIL
10.11 El Capitan  OK     FAIL      FAIL
10.12 Sierra      OK     OK        OK
10.13 High Sierra OK     OK        OK
10.14 Mojave      OK     OK        OK
10.15 Catalina    *      OK        OK

* A signed DMG opens, but any Apps in the DMG present a the notice that 
Apple can't validate the security of the app. A Notarized or Notarized 
and Staples DMG can be opened and any Signed apps (but the Apps 
themselves do not need to be Notarized) can be opened from within the DMG

What this means for anyone distributing macOS apps outside the MacApp 
store is that you probably need to offer 2 different DNG downloads for 
macOS users:
a signed (or even unsigned DMG (with your signed App in it) for 10-9 
through 10.11
a signed, notarized, (and optionally stapled), DMG with your code signed 
app in it for 10.12 through 10.15

OR you could do the 1st for 10.9 through 10.14 and just a separate one 
for 10.15.

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