Questions about LC Server Apps

William Prothero waprothero at
Tue Oct 8 22:10:31 EDT 2019

I’m doing web stuff with php and Wordpress, and reading all of the postings about LC’s HTML5 deployment. Since I have done a lot of programming of LC and have a business license, it could be a lot easier to use LC in a server environment than struggling with my minimal php skills.

The lessons for HTML5 are very, very minimal and leave a LOT unanswered. But, here’s what I think and perhaps you can correct any mis-conceptions. 

HTML5 deployment is basically an app that is downloaded and runs in a browser. It’s kinda like Flash and Director, except that the “plugin” is downloaded with the app and the browser runs the app in its built-in javascript engine. However, the tutorials for HTML5 are pretty much non-existent and I would expect a lot of hair-pulling (not that I have a lot of excess) in trying to use it.

Using the livecode plugin is more in the style of php. Revigniter seems like a great application framework, and it uses the cgi mode of livecode. Revigniter seems like it would make building web sites using LC a lot easier, and would provide a lot of programming examples and handlers that would very much ease development.

Has anybody use LC for a wordpress plugin? Or perhaps a basic wordpress site could exist alongside the LC supported site.

What do you think? Feedback would be much appreciated.

Bill Prothero

William A. Prothero

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