Fastest Frame Rate?

Niggemann, Bernd Bernd.Niggemann at
Sat Mar 23 17:31:37 EDT 2019

Hi Rick,

rename your red and blue  graphic according to this script or change the names in this script and try this. It works quite well for me.

local sRed = "255,0,0"
local sBlue = "17,137,255"
local sRunning = false

on mouseUp
   if not sRunning then
      put true into sRunning
      set the backgroundColor of grc "gRed" to sRed
      set the backgroundColor of grc "gBlue" to sBlue
      put false into sRunning
   end if
end mouseUp

on goRun
   if not sRunning then exit goRun
   if "goRun" is among the lines of the pendingMessages then exit goRun
   lock screen -- pushes screen refresh after handler
   if the layer of grc "gRed" > the layer of grc "gBlue" then 
      set the layer of grc "gBlue" to top
      set the layer of grc "gRed" to top
   end if
   send "goRun" to me in 16 milliseconds
end goRun

Kind regards

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