Ralph DiMola rdimola at
Tue Mar 19 14:27:23 EDT 2019

Richard Gaskin==>I had a similar issue many years ago, and since then
storage prices have dropped, along with the price of cloud services, so now
I'm almost obsessive about having not only multiple redundant backups, but
of different kinds.

I now agree with you. I had my VMs on three separate USB 2 drives. After the
data was restored from the USB 3 drive I went to import the VMs from one of
the USB 2 drives and it failed. So I went to the second and third and the
same thing. After 10 minutes or so Windows would make the hardware beep and
the USB 2 drive would disappear and reappear on all three drives and the VM
import would fail(heart failure time)! So I copied the VMs backup folder to
the raid array, no joy same thing. I figured that the USB buss was being
saturated and either a Windows driver or PC USB HW problem was at work. Now
I am thinking of using the Mac or resurrecting an XP PC to get the data.
Last chance I tried copying the data to the USB 3 drive figuring that the
additional buss activity would allow the USB 2 drive to throttle back a bit
and allow the data to be copied, and it worked! Imported the VMs from the
USB 3 drive and I was good-to-go.

So heed Richard's word of wisdom(I will) "I'm almost obsessive about having
not only multiple redundant backups, but of DIFFERENT KINDS"

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services
rdimola at

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