Livecode ODBC connection without DSN?

Dalton Calford dalton.calford at
Wed Jul 3 11:13:04 EDT 2019

Hi Bob,
This is a shame that this not is part of the ODBC implementation in
Many different languages allow for passing all the dsn information in the
connection string.    For example, DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver
(*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\path\to\eft.mdb; or Provider=MSDASQL;DRIVER={MySQL ODBC
Most of the drivers I use are opensource and don't require a fee, but even
if they did, I would gladly pay if they gave my clients connectivity (as
long as the price is reasonable). Does anyone have a pointer to where in
the opensource codebase for livecode, I can find the revopendatabase and
associated libraries? I have not had time to download/review the codebase
and it would be helpful to get an idea of where the code is and a pointer
to any possible documentation for when I start investigating it.

best regards


On Wed, 3 Jul 2019 at 10:53, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

> Not to my mind as ODBC relies upon an intermediary service to actually
> make the connection. I don't use ODBC mainly because I would typically have
> to purchase an agent for whatever database engine I am trying to connect
> to, and that has typically been a non-starter for any in house projects I
> want to use.
> That being said, I believe it is the only way Livecode can communicate
> with a Microsoft SQL server, as well as Access, FoxPro, Excel etc.
> Bob S
> > On Jul 3, 2019, at 07:42 , Dalton Calford via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at> wrote:
> >
> > Is it possible to connect to a database without a predefined DSN using
> the
> > livecode database connector?
> >
> > best regards
> >
> > Dalton
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