Us and them? [was Re: Livecode Dictionary]

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Thu Jan 24 06:58:59 EST 2019


 > 2. It ain't the field slowing us down.
 > As far as I can tell, the LC field object is pretty
 > responsive to input.

Agreed, vast majority of SE problems are not field problems. I spend a 
lot of my time in fields and it's pleasant. Responsive in most cases.

 > I'm one of the lucky ones, because once I turned off the SE
 > features that seemed likely to slow me down, I no longer have a
 > slow SE.

I'm in the same boat. I hope most people seriously affected can (like 
us) make the right tweaks for their machines.

 > Combining lots of functionality into one window contributes
 > to complexity, which often finds expression in performance

Yep, that's my fear. Adding project wiki (or anything else) to the 
already chubby SE is a bit scary for me. I would feel more at ease with 
a separate wiki window in LC that does nothing at all unless opened. I 
do value the debugging and variables inside SE, I want them there, but 
it's getting heavy and that's enough.

Wiki is not essential to the act of script editing, and perhaps not an 
exact match either - after all, a project involves UI too, and data, and 
for some people and projects that might loom larger than the code. A 
UI-centered person might feel that it's in the wrong place and hate 
going into SE to make notes about UI. Although I do understand the 
passion to integrate something cool! Meanwhile dictionary comments could 
just go in the dictionary; potentially a separate and very simple project.


 > In terms of GUI - it is possible to have the best of both worlds.
 > Integration into the SE, or have the same stack viewed in it's
 > own window.

Sounds good! I bet it will be quite impressive. Just try to ensure the 
un-integrated mode is seriously and extremely un-integrated. :)

 > so far I've kept my integrations minimal.
 > For me the first stage is the content, and collaboration workflow

That will be a neat project to see. Glad you have a vision for it. Great 
things are possible.

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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