Displaying or identifying emoji

David V Glasgow dvglasgow at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 07:34:08 EST 2019

Hello folks,

I am working on imported text messages from various sources, and which have been through various (unknown) processes/displays before I get them.  Some retain emoji intact, but others render them as an odd series of characters (presumably having been substituted when stored in a non-unicode environment):

	582	hexman555 (04/17/15 11:13:54 PM): I'll be here 😊❤️
	600	hexman555 (04/17/15 11:32:15 PM): Me too ❤️
	615	hexman555 (04/17/15 11:49:18 PM): Thank you ❤️💋
	625	hexman555 (04/17/15 11:52:29 PM): ❤️❤️❤️

 I would like to know which emoji were being used, either by displaying them in the field or substituting "‚ù§Ô∏è” etc with parenthetic text describing the emoji.  I have tried to break emojis down, but can’t find an app that doesn’t display them - or rather mangles them in this way.  Similarly, I have looked at the ascii and hex of the component characters of the gobbledegook, but can’t see a pattern.

Any suggestions?

Best Wishes,
David Glasgow

 <http://www.i-psych.co.uk/> <https://twitter.com/iPsychApps>

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