windows defender issues? & other AV issues

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Wed Jan 16 18:10:27 EST 2019

Although it's quite possible to save data in stack file(s) if you do it 
properly, people who follow that route often have trouble, so I 
discourage it. It's very tempting to try and save data to the 
distribution folder, or to mix data and user interface together! Quite 
the sticky, messy mixture. :)

A nice plan to avoid trouble is:

1. Keep data to save separate from UI
2. Save to Documents if the user should see it, otherwise App Data
3. Use a very standard Windows installer

(That's the easy road. And others have already mentioned some of those 
points in whole or in part.)

Distributing a zip also has a long heritage, there some outstanding apps 
distributed that way that I use myself, but when you have no control 
over the destination nor the integrity of the app folder, all the more 
reason to very strictly save ONLY to the most appropriate locations. 
Then you can skip the installer - but you can't skip both.

That would be your best short-term option now, having already taken 
another road and wanting a quick fix. Save the stack to App Data! Read 
it only once from the distro. Long-term, think hard about moving over to 
the "easy road" for data storage.

The days of distributing data however-the-heck-you-want are pretty much 
over. If you want some freedom in one area such as saving to your distro 
folder, you must gain greater control over other factors such as the 
install location or privileges. Obviously that's the more difficult and 
less certain path....

In fact I have seen the tilde-named stack before, similar to what you 
describe. LC is unable to complete the save. I've also heard of lengthy 
delays when saving. I don't recall the specific trigger, but usually 
applying the above guidelines clears up these symptoms along with 
various other headaches. Where to save is very important, and doing it 
properly works wonders. "Just do it!" ;)

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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