Refactoring is your friend / moving from 6.x to 9.x

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Sun Jan 6 08:07:05 EST 2019


 > It's a bit confusing, since the Target Version shown there is 7,
 > but it was submitted just a few months ago, many years after v7
 > was EOL'd.

As you can see (in the message you replied to) I inquired back then, and 
was advised officially then. BTW, that's a bit like the concrete info 
and explanations that were here all the time and it turns out you 
admittedly saw, interacted with, and evaluated - all, as you say 
yourself, very recently. I almost want to blush for you. :)

 > As hodge podge of what appear to be very different optimization
 > opportunities under the hood, it may be difficult for the team to
 > take action on it/them, and impossible to track. [... ... ...]

Priceless drama! Kittens and puppies massacred all over town, no doubt, 
from my being alert enough to notice the problem when others did not, 
and reporting some excellent test cases to prove that more areas were 
affected than originally assumed. I file many pinpointed bugs, as you 
know well from your CCs over the years. I'm sure a cluster of narrowed 
examples would be nice for this performance issue too, nothing against 
it, but who knows yet precisely how many or how few areas and individual 
causes? Overlaps? Moot point, because I didn't have time for a cluster 
of reports. Nor magical space/time control and travel to organize and 
fit the problem to a separately-evolving set of solution/improvement 
efforts (which I'm very hopeful about) that started with arrays.

I received good feedback about the test stack and the video; there was 
enough time to create and maintain one test stack, and it needed to look 
good and perform the video competition too. LC has a somewhat messy set 
of performance issues, not of my own making, and reporting it on my own 
time and expense had to be realistic and finite. Some people might not 
have any real limitations on free time, anything goes, but others know.

I have beaten the odds as one of most prolific consultants and addon 
developers despite extensive handicaps that take up considerable daily 
time and energy themselves. It doesn't just happen that way by itself; 
the system that makes it possible doesn't involve repeating, redoing, 
and restating every single darn thing the livelong day. Precisely the 
opposite; efficiency is key and it will never let you down if you apply 
it consistently and strictly! Take care.

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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