MouseDown on Enter

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Jan 1 16:41:03 EST 2019

On 1/1/19 9:23 AM, Richmond via use-livecode wrote:

> 1. When one performs a mouseDown on each hexagon a tone is played.
> 2. While the mouse button is held down the tone continues to sound.
> 3. If the mouse is dragged (while being pressed) from one hexagon to the 
> next,
> the sound changes from that of the initial hexagon to the new one.
> So . . . there would seem to be something "there" that is a bit 
> difficult to implement in LiveCode.

Is this what you want? It requires that each hexagon has a custom 
property named "cColor" that contains an RGB value or a colorname. The 
script goes into a group or card, and manages all hexagons.

local sColor
local sDragging

on mouseDown
   put the cColor of the mouseControl into sColor
   set the backcolor of the mouseControl to sColor
   put true into sDragging
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
   put the cColor of the mouseControl into sColor
   put false into sDragging
end mouseUp

on mouseMove x,y
   if sDragging then
     get x,y -- force to a variable
     set the backcolor of controlAtLoc(it) to sColor
   end if
end mouseMove

If the card has more objects than just the hexagons, you'll want to test 
the mouseControl so nothing happens with other objects. Or alternatly, 
group only the hexagons and put the script into the group.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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